DiFFreight Events Launch of the course "How to start a business with China" | DiFFreight

DiFFreight launches training course "How to start a business with China"

DiFFreight launches training course "How to start a business with China"

For more than three years, DiFFreight has been helping Ukrainian entrepreneurs establish business with China. And now we have decided to share our experience with a wider audience. How? Through an interesting and free YouTube course "How to start a business with China". Interested? Then read on.

More about the course

We have developed this course to provide entrepreneurs with specific knowledge and tools to successfully start and do business with China. The main idea is to empower young entrepreneurs to start cooperation with China on their own and thus contribute to the development of the Ukrainian economy. With a special emphasis on practical aspects, the course will help you avoid common mistakes and make the most of the opportunities offered by the Chinese market.

The course was launched on October 19 on DiFFreight's YouTube channel. The first lesson on registering with Alipay and WeChat, which are essential for building cooperation with Chinese suppliers, is already available on the channel:


Who will benefit from the course

We have designed the course to meet the needs of different categories of listeners. We'll tell you who will find it particularly useful.

Newcomers to business. For those who are just planning to start their own business and are considering buying goods from China, this course will be an excellent basis for gaining basic knowledge and skills.

Existing entrepreneurs. For entrepreneurs who already have a business but want to expand their activities, the course will provide valuable guidance and recommendations on how to adapt their activities to the specifics of the Chinese market.

Logistics and international trade specialists will be able to improve their understanding of the specifics of working with Chinese partners and optimize logistics processes.

Consultants and analysts in international business. Specialists who provide consulting services in the field of international business will be able to add to their arsenal of tools and techniques for effective work with clients interested in the Chinese market.

Our course will be valuable for anyone who wants to gain relevant knowledge and practical skills to successfully do business in the international arena.

Benefits of training with DiFFreight

"How to start a business with China" is a clear and structured course that concentrates all our experience of cooperation with China. There will be no lyrical digressions, theoretical inserts, or "water" in the lessons.

Order goods from China for your business - DiFFreight

Order goods from China for your business.

Only useful information that you can immediately apply to ordering goods from China. What are the other benefits of training with DiFFreight:

  • Accessibility. All course lessons are available for free on YouTube, so anyone can watch them and update their knowledge.
  • Structured. Each lesson consistently deepens the participants' knowledge, from basic concepts to complex aspects of doing business with China.
  • Relevance. The first lesson on registering on WeChat and Alipay in Ukraine already demonstrates how the course takes into account the specifics of the Chinese business environment, which is important for successful trade.

The first steps in business are always difficult, but with the right direction and support, you can achieve great results. DiFFreight's How to Start a Business with China course will make this journey much easier and demonstrate how delegating processes can scale your business and simplify your life. Subscribe to DiFFreight's YouTube channel, watch the lessons, and grow your business with us!