DiFFreight Events Business with China webinars from DiFFreight: the ins and outs of international procurement

Business with China webinars from DiFFreight: the ins and outs of international procurement

Business with China webinars from DiFFreight: the ins and outs of international procurement

Starting a business with China, especially when it comes to purchasing goods, requires a deep understanding of market conditions, knowledge of local culture and business etiquette. One of the problems faced by entrepreneurs at this stage is the search for up-to-date and reliable information on the organization of product deliveries from China. But DiFFreight has found a way around this problem. Read on, now I'll tell you everything.

We organize live broadcasts about establishing cooperation with China

You often write to us after live broadcasts, share your impressions and ask additional questions about purchasing goods from China. How to answer all these queries? Only on a regular basis! That's why we're launching weekly webinars on business with China on the DiFFreight channel.

Every Tuesday on the channel, wait for a new video where we will talk with experts in the commodity business and work with China. Specialists will share their valuable experience, and I, in turn, will address your questions to the speaker.

Announcements of upcoming webinars

Date Topic of the webinar
22.08 Overcome borders: Import from China to scale business.
29.08 Chinese goods in Ukraine: from purchase to sale on ROZETKA
05.09 Purchase of goods from China, an updated service from DiFFreight. Live broadcast in the Telegram channel via the link https://t.me/+vM7Oj3BOH1kyMjQy

Who will benefit from the webinars?

For beginners in commodity business. If you are just starting out in the world of procurement and trading, our webinars will provide you with valuable information to get you started, help you avoid common mistakes and speed up your market entry.

To active entrepreneurs. For those who already have experience with the supply of goods from China, but are looking for ways to optimize their business, the webinars will help them open up new opportunities and move to a new level.

Buyers and logisticians. Specialists who work directly in the field of procurement and logistics will receive specific advice, practical cases and recommendations on optimizing supplies.

To everyone interested in working with China. If you are considering expanding your business to the Chinese market or just want to learn more about working with Chinese partners, you should definitely join.

Interesting, isn't it? Follow the link and register for the nearest live broadcast! DiFFreight webinars will provide you with up-to-date information that will be useful for expanding your business horizons and improving work efficiency.